Friday, July 2, 2010

As Requested

Here you go Amanda:
So last night we went to a concert in the park. Evelyn's first concert. We had a little picnic and listened to music. It was alright, as far as music goes. What I don't understand is this...One of the preformers gets up there, starts to play and sing, makes it maybe one bar into the song and stops and says, "sorry it's been a long time since I've played this" and satrts all over. Really? They schedule these people at least a week in advance...practice. Not that I'm mad that she messed up or anything and she was good, but how embarassing for her.

Before the concert and during

Also last night, Evelyn had her first blow out (I'm sure she'll really appreciate me writing this is 16 years but she'll just have to deal with it) It wasn't too bad, pooped on her onsie though and we were at the park, so she was stinky for a while.

I'm getting a lot better with the 'gross factor'. For those of you who don't know, I didn't even want the doctors to hand her right to me after she was born for fear of the grossness, but it really wasn't bad. And then there's this thing with me and spit. We were at some friends house about 3 weeks before Evelyn was born and there baby spit up on Steven, and I about spewed on that's comeing along quite nicely if I do say so myself.

I had to go to the doctor today and they drew my blood and gave me a shot in the ole not a good day so far. Also our sinks backed up today. Apparently, our neighbors sink has been backing up for quite some time and now it's backed up into our apartment. There is food floating in our bathroom sink. And I've also been crafting. I really like the carseat canopy's and so my grandma made me a really cute one, that'll be perfect for winter because it keeps the heat in really well, but she needed a lighter one for the summer so I decided to try my hand at it and love it!!!

Today Evelyn looked so cute in her little romper. I love those things. Grandma Jarvis made it to Rexburg yesterday and she has been loving it. Evelyn also loves her little pink puppy form auntie Amanda. And as you can see, Daisy is her gaurd dog. Cute story: We had Evelyn in her bouncy vibrator chair and aparently Daisy also liked the vibrations so she layed down next to her and put her head in Evelyn's lap. They love each other


  1. I thank you very much. Evelyn is the cutest baby ever and I better be feeling good by Sunday so I can come see her little face. And I think your sink is disgusting and I hope you get it worked out real soon.

  2. Also I need your assistance with my blog background. Mine is messed up

  3. Just here looking for new pictures of the cute baby Evelyn - her mom and dad must be very busy! I will keep checking - I love you guys! Grandma Jarvis, Grandpa Jarvis, and Aunt Mary
