So...Not too many people know this but as it turns out, I'm sick a lot, meaning every day. I've had a head ache every day for the past 6+ years. Along with the headaches, I get just sick all the time. So, this is what happened. Since my mom has had transverse mylitis, there have been a lot of people to suggest ways for her to walk better, most of which have been more on the homeopathic side of things. Most recently, she was told to try gluten free and watch a video on why it might help. Then she told me that from what she learned from the video, over 60% of people are actually allergic to wheats and what not and that it might help me. Now, typically I'm not into the whole all natural movement, but thought I'd try it for a few months just to see and to every one's amazement....It Does!! I haven't had a headache, flu, symptoms, or a cold in a week and a half and for me, that's a freakin miracle! And just to test it out, I had a cookie the other night and had a headache with in an hour of weird. But I am SO happy!
Yes, it is quite a lifestyle change because basically EVERYTHING has gluten in it(including twizlers wtf), but so doable. I've decided to try a new recipe every week and then have a little separate blog about it but we'll see if it actually goes through. I'm putting on my blog side bar some good gluten free websites and blogs. Try it out!
1 week ago
That is so amazing - that it how it was for me with chocolate. Good job to figure this out. I will be interested to hear all about it when we visit the beginning of July. Have a great day! Mama J