Monday, October 10, 2011

Busy Busy

It seems like we are so busy all the time, but at the end of the day I think, What did we even do? By the time we get Evelyn bathed, go to the gym, clean up, have lunch, nap, read some books, the days over. I wish I had time to craft. Really though I do. Steven's only home Tuesday and Friday evenings, but has school work on Tuesday, so I could do my own things Mon-Thurs evenings after Evelyn goes to bed...but instead I waist time. Well, I've been catching up on my reading. Getting ready to start Water for Elephants.

But Evelyn keeps us really busy. I swear I clean the living room at least 3 times a day but it makes no difference. She can tear things apart faster than I can put them together.We finally got around to getting her to her 15 month apt at 15 and a half months. Close enough. She is 23lbs (60th %) and 31 1/2 in (75th %). And these are her 15 month pictures.
(actually taken at 15 month unlike her dr visit)

I now teach the sunbeam class and Steven teaches Elders Quorum, so Evelyn gets to go to nursery at just 15 months. She does really well. Since we go to the gym every day, she's used to a daycare type setting. I'm not feeling like a word-smith tonight so I'm going to do a new blog segment called, ' Our month in cell phone pictures'

Evelyn fell between the couch and ottoman

It doesn't look like it in this picture really, but she had been crying fro near 2 hrs straight.

We found out this month that Evelyn is allergic to my parents cats (most likely all cats...) and gets this really nasty thick snot that will stay in a bubble until you wipe her nose. Very awesome

Cutest thing ever. Evelyn likes to look at herself so I moved my full length mirror into the living room to keep her busy, and this is her feeding her reflection cookies. She would open her mouth SO wide and then try and put the cookie in the open mouth of her reflection

just being cute

We gave her a harmonica. She's getting pretty good

This was right after a nap and she got mauled by daisy

Kung Pao. So good. It's a Weight Watchers recipe, so not even bad for you. If you like your food spicy though, I added some red pepper flakes in addition to the small peppers because it really didn't have any Pao to it. Click HERE for recipe.

She's teething. Getting two molars and both her bottom eye teeth, so we spend a lot of our day like this.

Eskimo kisses!

As soon as I turn my back, Evelyn runs to the computer room and tries to run the mouse.

Still giving open mouth kisses

She got her first fat lip this month

Evelyn's first make over. We painted her tow nails, put on eye shadow and curled her hair. I think her hair is going to be like mine though. Even with a 1/4 in barrel, it just went stick straight.

Wearing green on green for her Papa

Steven first day of school in his MBA program. This is second quarter, but his first actually in the program.

Blowing kisses bye bye to daddy

The best seat in the house. Our kitchen is a little small so we have a rolling counter and she sits next to the toaster and hangs out.

The last few days Evelyn's been waking up between 4 and 5AM, so to try and fix this, I've been trying to keep her up later. This is at 7:45 this evening. She just laid down on the kitchen floor and lat Daisy run circles around her

This morning was another 4AM morning but instead of crying, she just played in her crib of an hour or so and I let her be and when she finally fell back asleep, she slept until 7:30. An excellent morning. Come about 6:15 if she's not up I start to worry, cuase that's what I do, so this is us letting Steven know all is well and we got a nice sleep in.

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