Wednesday, April 1, 2015

2015 so Far...


Evelyn fell asleep in her dog hat holding a dog bone and I thought that was funny

 The car outside Rosaurs is free but it bucks. Gotta hang on tight

 Evelyn told me she was just trying on my mermaid boomba. and the grandma has lots of mermaid boombas.
 Nuff' said...
 So they were all lovey huggy kissy until...
 ....Evelyn grabbed him by the sweatband and threw him to the floor backwards
 unfinished tubby

 Found them like this one morning. They don't always fight....but typically

 Evelyn got all dressed up for her baby sitter
 And sweet little Caden got sick. Really sick. He's been kind of a sickly kid. Last year we got the flu 4 times...4. 4 different weeks of puking. One bought lasting 10 days of puke everyday, multiple times a day. He's thrown up everywhere from the front porch, to the car 3 times in one trip, to McDonalds, where we had just walked in and not even ordered, said sorry and left. He's thrown up in his bed a minimum of 10 time, through the bars on his bed onto the wall and under his bed, and the hall at a cousins house. He's thrown up in my bed, on Evelyn in my bed, the kitchen, my parents kitchen, in the dining room, on the couch, and in a bucket once.

But this last time was the worst. It wasn't just the throwing up, he was sick sick. Lethargic, actually take to the doctor sick to get x-rays and make sure he was going to make it sick. The doctor said he just had the bad strand of the flu and they couldn't do anything. He was in my bed for days either sleeping or watching toy story 3. And if he woke up and it wasn't on, he would cry. So it played all through the night was well. I actually thought he had an ear infection too because he kept pulling at his ears and crying saying what I thought was "ow". But as it turns out, he was trying to relay to me that he couldn't hear Buzz and was trying to say "louder".

 After a couple days he thought he could try to eat but still couldn't so he just slept with a banana.
 Then Evelyn got it...They were both in my bed when Evelyn started throwing up and that made Caden throw up and neither one of them wanted to throw up on themselves so they both turned to the middle and puked on each other. At first I started crying because it's like, really! but then Evelyn started screaming "I don't like this! I don't like this! We are SOOOO sick! I don't like it!" so then I started laughing because, well, that's funny. I threw away a lot of blankets, pillows and sheets that week because that smell only comes out like three times... At one point I had my mom go and buy Caden some Thomas the train jammies I knew he'd love because after a few days of sweat and puke he refused to change his clothes and he had to get out of those things. It worked and then 5 minutes later, Evelyn threw up on him.
 So this was our sleeping arrangement. Steven was out of town for all of it. Oh how we love busy season. Really though, had he been there, that's just one more person to get sick. I had a 24 hr thing on New Years, but nothing like this.
 And this is the first day we felt better
 And Evelyn got a new dress
And Caden is not all that fun to play board games with right now. He knows all the rules and only daddy can play right.
 We love indoor picnics
 We got to pick Steven up from the airport once this busy season
 I had the opportunity to make a cake for an old school Winnie the Pooh baby shower

 Oh how Caden loves to dress up
 And Evelyn loves to sweep and mop. When mom takes away mopping, she knows she's in trouble and that's like a big deal for her. She's only allowed to mop the living room so it's always a little extra sticky down there due to the amount of mop solution she squirts out with out nifty Swiffer, but she's thorough.

 After one of the kids friends baptisms, we went to five mile pizza and arcade. This jet ski game blew wind and shook. She loved it

 We only have one stick pony so Caden uses the sliding-door-locker-stick
 Look at him go!

 First bath in the new tub
 I'm very slowly decorating our house. I like the idea that things I hang on the wall are homemade and original to our house. So For I have 3 things on our walls, so we'll see how long that actually last before I just start buying stuff.
 Valentines Day chocolates made by Evelyn
 Making cup cakes. Look close. She actually has cup cake up her nostril

 And a Valentines day present for Me and Steven. Woot Woot!
 SO busy season right... Steven travels a lot and when he's not out of town, leaves for work at 5am, sometimes earlier and gets home after 7pm, sometimes later. So this is the kids waiting his arrival one night.
 Caden's a tough boy but has a tender heart and his feelings can get hurt by his world crushing mommy from time to time... Enter sympathetic Evelyn. "It's ok Caden. Mommy didn't mean. I know. Your gonna be ok. Just take three deep breaths....shhhh. shhhh. that's it"

 I'm sure what Greg Olsen stickers are intended for
 We had unseasonably nice weather and had park days in February.
 Another sick day
 Bye Bye deet deets! That's what Caden calls them. He has a little trouble talking and with these in his mouth, we couldn't understand anything at all so we had to get rid of them. It was only hard for like an hour. Then again he still gets them at nap and bedtime. It's a tough one to break.
 part of the first deet deet free hour
 And we've fallen in love with Jamberry nails
 When Jakey came to visit

 Caden LOVES his tools

 Little Jake got the kids hooked on puffs after his visit.
 I had a photo shoot in February and since I had everything out anyway did a few of the kids.

 I got to make a cake for New Beginnings in Young Womens
 I sent Caden to time out and after a few minutes I went to check on him and he fell asleep at 5 with boots on and all.
 We took Evelyn to see the new Cinderella and she got all dressed up and wanted lots of pictures...koolaid mustache and all.

 At the theater they had a carriage set up and after the movie they had Cinderella and Prince Charming there to take pictures with everyone, but sweet Evelyn was a little shy and wanted to go solo in the carriage.

 And the next day Caden was sick again, so he stayed home from church but me and Evelyn went. Then halfway through the Sacrament being past Evelyn starts yelling "My tummy hurts! I'm gonna throw up!" so we had to dash out and snag the mothers lounge garbage bag for the ride home. Turns out she was just fine....
 And our favorite picture so far this year. We call it "lefty no worky"
 How I spent my last week or busy season
 Oh boy does Evelyn know how to dress herself
 Caden's reading car
 Poor Caden fell onto a shelf at Home Depot
 The kids like to dig for worms in the yard since we currently do not have a yard and things got a little carried away.
 A visit to the farm. Cuttest shaggy little pony ever!
 We had a busy day this last week. We went to the dentist and Evelyn got x-rays
 Caden got sent to time out in Payless
 We went to JcPenny's and Caden loves mannequins. Like loves them. So he got up on one of the pedestals to hold a mannequins hand and it's arm fell off! talk about devastation. Poor boy was traumatized. Brammy to the rescue! That's what Caden calls his Grandma. Either Bammy or Brammy. Either way him loves her.
 Evelyn got a new swim suit that day and asked if she could take a bath in it. I told her sure she can take a bath in her swim suit, at which point Caden yelled "Naked!" and stripped off his clothes on the way to the bathroom
 Evelyn's artistic skills are really coming along. This is a picture of me changing Caden's diaper while she was made to stay out in the hall. You can really see her frustration in the arms.
 And our biggest news this month....Evelyn can ride a bike!! she went from this...

to this in like twenty minutes!

So she got to pick out a new helmet. She must have been thinking about helmets a lot lately because when Steven told her she could get a new big girl helmet she said "Great! Let's go to walmart and I'll ride in the cart and show you the way to where the helmets are and I want the unicorn one!" Good choice I say.

 We love the tractors

 We tried potty training again with no success. But his reading choice was the Friend so that's nice
 another dress up day
 So we're at the store and I tell the kids I need three things, bread strawberries and eggs. and we're shopping and we're shopping and I say ok, we've go the bread and strawberries but what else....and Caden sits up from a nearly asleep position and says "EGGS!" in his super lispy way he does.
 And we stuffed Easter eggs
 Caden really filled his. Evelyn was a half filler

 Getting ready to go work in the back yard and move some branches around
 Steven teaching Evelyn to Waltz
 Moving branches around in the yard

 Caden' got some weight to him and he fell through a taped up box... with two ice cream scoopers
And Evelyn helped put together the stool for our new bathroom.
Steven has a 4 day weekend this weekend and we're getting all of the branches in the backyard chipped and out of there. It'll be so nice. I can send the kids out side with out fear of them getting whipped in the face or falling through one of the many branch piles lager than a pickup truck. Then in April we'll have the stumps removed. Every month we get closer to actually having a yard. It's all so exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Boy am I glad you're a blogger again. I lol'd several times as I read this. I can't even tell you what my favorite parts are because I just liked it all. I do have to say that Evelyn's drawings were especially funny as is Caden riding his stick pony.
