Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Festivites an other activities that weekend

We'll start with the sleeping babies. I have so many pictures of the kids sleeping because they just look so sweet. In fact...sleeping baby montage!

 Just a few from the last 6 months. The car ones are my favorite.

So this last week we got back on the back yard. We had some one come and chip a bunch of our branches and haul off. Steven took Friday off and they went to town. It only took an hour before his trailer was full.

Before he came we had some prep work. We had to separate and line up all the branches so it went faster in the chipper sine we paid this guy by the hour. We  line the entire perimeter of the yard then one row down the middle all about wait to chest high piles. That's a lot of branches.
The kids had a good time watching. I made them wear ear plugs. It was definitely really loud.

 Caden had a really good time though...
 Snack time watching daddy work. It was still a little too loud for Cade. He kept his hands over his ears the whole time, even during snack time.

 We normally don't do the typical Easter with the egg hunts and Easter bunny, but since this year was general conference and we didn't need to be in church during my brother and sister in laws Easter extravaganza, the kids got to experience their first Easter egg hunt, Easter scavenger hunt, and visit from the Easter bunny.
That morning, even though we didn't have church i had the kids get dressed up so i could have some pictures of them in nice clothes with clean faces for one. So we headed the the park bright and early.

  The ones at the park didn't turn out so well because some one was walking their Caden's going to look at me when there's a dog around.

 But Miss Evelyn, she loves her picture being taken. Where she learned the duck face, i have no idea. But we did a few at home. They were a lot more cooperative at home...surprisingly

 And then after pictures we took off to the farm for the Easter extravaganza. Evelyn had been calling it the great feast all week.
Caden loved the pigs. he loved the big pigs the most but had fun with the babies too.

 There was a runt of the litter that was away from the other pigs and just free range.
 Caden gave that little piggy a run for his money...

 Caden got a lift from Evelyn in the wagon. She is a good ride giver. She was seriously hauling down the driveway!
 look at her go! She got air she's running so hard!
 Then there was the egg hunt

 And the scavenger hunt
 And the pinata

 I wonder if I'm in any of Carlee's pictures...Our camera's are point blank at each other. Probably could've thought that one through a little better

 We all had a really great time. Evelyn keeps saying she can't wait for another Easter

We had a great weekend. Steven also took Monday off and we were going to work more in the yard but it rained and snowed! all day. So we had a relaxing day of hanging around and cleaning every now and then and games with the kids. Caden is actually pretty good at jenga.

Another thing I did this weekend is I took the pictures off the kids camera. We have this old digital camera we let the kids use and they just go off and take pictures for whatever. It keeps them busy for minutes! So i finally got around to emptying the memory card for them so they can keep taking pictures. There were hundreds of pictures on there! Here are a few of my favorites....keeping in mind these are all take by either Evelyn or Caden

 Evelyn getting proof that Caden is the one throwing things off the deck

 And the one putting things in Daisy's water

 Caden's first selfie

 We call this one 'welcome home daddy'

 and now Caden mastering the art of the selfie. You can just see his thought process. "Me eating gold fish"
 "Me up close"
 "My gold fish up close"

And then perhaps my favorite series of pictures in the history of pictures...

Seriously! Where do they come up with this stuff!!

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