Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Evelyn's First Day of Kindergarten

The night before Kindergarten finally came!! I had promised Evelyn that the night before kindergarten she could be in charge of the family night activity and we could do a kindergarten fashion show. So I present to you, the Model..EVELYN!!!!!

 This next one is my favorite!

 She said, "This is what I do when Elsa sings 'Let it go'"

She'd been talking up going to school so much, she forgot to be nervous about it until the night before. She was nervous that there were going to be a lot of people she didn't can't really help that. She woke up a few times during the night with pre-K jitters but by the time she woke up she was all geared up to go. She got a very special breakfast pancake. A school house, a chair and her.
And she picked out her favorite of her outfits to wear. Notice her name tag. All the kindergarteners had id badges with their name, address and how they were supposed to get home so things would run smoothly the first week.


 AND....she didn't want me to take her to school. Kids that go to school ride the bus, and that's that. So me and Caden waited for the bus with her. Out of the 8 kids that get on at her stop, there was only her and another girl, and she's the only Kindergartener at her stop... I was definitely more nervous that she was.

So after Evelyn got on the and Caden followed it to school... There was no where to park, so we just had to do a drive by to make sure she didn't get lost in the masses. so we saw her get off the bus and there was a teacher waiting for her to take her to her class room. So then we had to wait for her to come home. And wait and wait and wait.

 And then her bus came home! We have front porch delivery.

 And Caden could not keep himself to himself. He missed her so much! It was all Evelyn could do to keep her footing.

1 comment:

  1. They love each other so much! I can't believe how grown up everyone is.
