Sunday, January 24, 2016

We Started our week out quite nice. We went up to the mountain and had a right nice time. Caden even got in some 'nuggle time with Papa...
And Jack
 It was a right nice part on Grammy and Papa's bed while we cleaned out the closet. Me and Evelyn are having a yard sale this summer, so Grammy had me sit on the bed and tell her what she should get rid of and sell and what keep.
 Evelyn found some lipstick in on of Grammy's old purses and asked if she could put it on. Grammy's response, 'Sure! Just go in the bathroom and use the mirror.' ...Because a 5 year old is just as accurate with a mirror and lipstick as without..HA
 And sweet Evelyn...she does not like people laughing at her, even when it's because she's funny or cute. And she comes out with lipstick everywhere, so I to make up for it, I put some on too.
 And gave Caden a big ole forehead kiss
 This little boy loves the mountain. And I love that he loves it because every time he gets all tuckered out.
We had a friend over for dinner last weekend and BBQ'd but had a little mishap with the briquette starter...turns out the hot coals will fall from inside of it and catch your deck on fire...
I had my quarterly big headache this week. When I took this picture it was like and sent it to Steven, it was like, oh Kelsey's sick, but with in the hour I was throwing up and passed out in the tub. The worst part was I was watching a friends was a rough afternoon. Luckily though, I have my super pills and it only lasted about 4 hours instead of 3 days. I was up and running by 6 that evening.
 And...The cleaning fairy came to Evelyn's room while she was at school! She was so excited! The cleaning fairy was always one of my favorite personas of my mom, second only to Santa..who is real..
 And we also did this this last week...and predated it to make it seem like we did it when we first made her bed
 Sweet Caden was crying in the other room and Evelyn came running in to tell me he hit himself in the face with a necklace and boy did he can see the bead welts.
Evelyn is currently growing her hair out like Elsa and in an effort to keep it out of her face but still cute, I bought a topsy tail circa 1996
 This style, although cute, did not hold through a half day at kindergarten
This one was successful

And then we did what I swore up and down I would never do again...
 Although, last time we went to Chuck E Cheese it was a Saturday afternoon and it was so crowded you could literally not move around the games. This time we went with my friend and her husband and their little boy and there were like 5 other kids there. It's still stupid expensive though. one token= 33 cents...

 Caden found the sunglasses Papa got him over the summer and he has been wearing them ever since. even in the house
 The other day Caden was super helpful and even broke down the recycling boxes without being asked
 And I was not so smart the other day. I've been focusing my workouts on mainly cardio since it's been the most effective, and then decided to do a crazy two hour lifting workout after not having done weights in 3 months. I was sore the next day...but then the day after that I did it again and couldn't function that night. So I was just laying on the floor and kids were lovingly icing my tricepts
 Caden reclaimed his naughty status later this week by curb stomping the Ipad...we're still not sure the of the exact events leading up to this, just that it was on purpose and it was because Evelyn was trying to kick him out of her room.
The kids did start a Lincoln Log band called "The Hearts" this week which kept them very occupied

And the kids miss Steven so much during busy season when he is working crazy hours. They were so happy on Friday night to get to spend some time with him. They were so excited to play their favorite at dad and have him push us down..

And on Saturday, tragedy struck in the form of Caden falling down the garage stairs and into an old shovel. I must say though, I think it went very smoothly. I grabbed him and a couple rags and wiped enough blood away to see we had to head out to the minor emergency while Evelyn grabbed another rag and was wiping up all the blood on the floor before we left. Now Evelyn has a flair for the dramatic but she stayed so calm and helpful the whole time.

 The doctor and nurses were so great. At one point, Caden was cold so they went and got him a nice warmed blanket.
He did so good, I couldn't even believe it. He didn't cry or whine once. Even when they did the actual stapling. He was a real trooper.

Andwhile we were waiting...and we waited a lot... Evelyn drew a nice depiction of when happened
 That's me at the top of the stairs, and Caden of course with the shovel, then the car and its exhaust
 And Evelyn did good too. They had her leave to room a few times just so she didn't freak Caden out. They didn't want her saying needle or staple out loud, so one of the nurses came and took her to get stickers.
And after a very long time, we were given our discharge orders. The doctor said to ..'wash the area with a mild soap, like baby soap, which I'm sure you already use.' To which I respond, "Actually, we've recently switched Old Spice because it's blue and he likes the way it smells." Oh boy...if looks could kill. Needless to say, she was not impressed that our 3yr old uses Old Spice and were asked to switch back to Johnson & Johnson.
And then when we were leaving, the nurse was walking us out and she said, "Well thanks for playing with me Evelyn and good luck with your band The Hearts." I'm still dying laughing about that one.

So of course we then went to Target to pick out a prize for being so brave. All in all it was  good day for Caden. He got a pretzel at target, a new truck, chicken nuggets for dinner, ice cream and he got to pick out their bed time story.
 After all was said and done, we were gone about 4 1/2 hours and made it home just in time for me and Evelyn to leave again. Her school was putting on the Jungle Book and a few of her friends were in it so we went on a nice little date.
 And then before bed, we played Lincoln Logs with the master and made  for Knox for Evelyn's My Little Pony's.

 I thought that since we had such a bust day, that the night would be a restful one since everyone was so tired. Turns out me and Steven were the only ones that were tired. The kids woke up multiple...multiple times. Evelyn was having really bad growing pains an Caden was just uncomfortable. But I was so tired I never heard Caden call for me so sweet Evelyn had to get out of bed to come and get me every time. It was a long night and an early morning, but they look so cute when they're sleeping...

1 comment:

  1. I loved it! Poor Caden. I am also looking forward to hearing more from the band, "the hearts"!
