Saturday, May 8, 2010

I've been kissed by a Mormon icon...sort of...

Friday night was date night so Steven and I had a BBQ and went to an improv show on campus. Being very pregnant, Steven let me sit on the end of the row. When the show started, the MC led us to believe the cast of the show would be running out on stage, while actually they came running from the lobby. Before I knew what was going on, I was in a sort of head lock and was being given a very scratchy kiss from Kirby Heyborne.

It was all very exciting :) Steven shook his fist at him and that was pretty much the excitment of the evening. When told Amanda she asked where he kissed me, I said on the lips (but it was on the cheek) and she said, open or closed...

We BBQ'd for the first time last night. Neither of us had ever used a charcoal grill before and we were very successful. We had steak, corn on the cob and potatoes. Daisy was of no help.we had to tie her to the door nob to keep her out of the grill.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to use the bbq! You will love it!
    I am adding your blog to my blog list.
    Not sure you if you have our blog address but I will give it to you again:

    Seriously, I am so glad you guys are back. We love hanging out with you :)
