Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"The Story", Pictures and Birthday Suprises

Ok, so, Labor and Delivery....Try as hard as I did walking and heeding few others advise about how to go into labor, little Evelyn still did not come. By 39 weeks I was very tired of being pregnant, very swollen, and very irritable so we opted to be induced. They gave me pitocin around 8am June 22 and so we began. My contractions we strong but not unbearable when the anethesiologist was in the area. Even though I didn't ask for it then, they still gave me my epitural. I was only at a 3, so really I never felt much pain of any sort. HOWEVER...I do believe that the epidual was the WORST part of it all. I'm VERY glad I got it but it was...icky. There is no other word for it.

Apearantly, when most people have an epidural the needle goes right on it, but with me, I have a really tight back apearantly and it took nearly ten tries to get the part that gives you the goods in (the catheder). All other tries resulting in hitting the bone making an ominous and very icky crunching noise.

I started to feel contractions again around 9cm and then when I hit ten, little Evelyn still wasn't ready to come, she hadn't dropped yet, so they double dosed my epidural meds so that I could comfortably sit at a ten for 2 hours in hopes she would drop and not leave me pushing for 2 hours. Ok, very effective. I was so numb I couldn't even move my toes. So then about an hour later the Doctor came to check on me, and had me 'practice' push, so when the time came I'd know what to do...Also very effective. She dropped a lot sooner than any one anticipated and I was ready to have the baby.

However, there was still the fact that I couldn't even move one toe. The nurse had to hold her hand on my tummy to feel my contractions for me to tell me when to push. Three, maybe four contrations later (15min of pushing tops) we had Evelyn in our arms after not even 16 hours of labor. It was a fantastic experiance. I was so scared about the whole thing, but really, it was so cool...most likely because I couldn't feel a thing and was smiling the whole time and my Doctor was cracking jokes, but really, AMAZING.

She was 8lbs 11oz and when I held her I was seriously like, how did you fit in there!!! She's so perfect though and minus the second night we brought her home (she had a tummy ache all night) she sleeps through the night, waking only 2-3 times to eat and be changes then falls right back asleep again. She's never fussy, just smily when she's awake (which is really like 2-3 hours a day) and so adorable when she's sleeping. It's so fun to dress her up and play with her. I keep saying she's my new toy. It's hard not to change her outfit 3 times a day because she looks so cute in everything. We just love her chubby little cheeks!! Luckily she did get Stevens hands and feet, long and slender. We really spend all day just staring at her. I can't even imagine life with out her!

Twin Noses!

Going out grocery shopping

First time Daddy bathed Evelyn

Evelyn held her head up for close to five minutes at not even a week old! Very impressive

Evelyn and her betrothed, Mason

I think this may be a gassy face...

Birthday Suprises!!!!
My birthdays not for another week but Steven couldn't wait another week. He thoguht of it 6months ago but one week was too much!!And I'm glad it was! When we were in Denver, we were really borded one night so Steven suggested we go for a walk around the mall and look at things we want. Well, I've always wanted pearls, so we went to tons of jewlery stores looking at pearls and I found the perfect set. The necklace I would buy if we weren't just looking at things we'd never get. Little did I know that Steven was actaully taking me birthday shopping because he would never pick out pearls for me. SO now I am the proud owner of the most beautiful 80 inch strand of pearls I have ever seen! They are so perfect and so unique. I love oblong, or uncultured pearls and they're hard to find because jewlers culture the crap out of every thing,but find them we did and own them I do! Happy birthday to me!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

More for the Papa

Grandma made the blog

Amanda Feeding the baby

Her little eyes are open!

Passed out after second breakfast

My feeties have never been so swollen. For some reason, I think all my fluids have been going to my feet. They're so swollen I can't really move my ankles or toes. Steven rigged me up this little contraption to ice them. Where the ice was the swelling went down causing sink holes in the top of my feet.

Feeding the baby

Yawning in her Sunday best

Auntie Amanda

Steven picked Evelyn a flower the other day

I love this picture because you can see her little spit bubbles

Evelyn takign a nap on Daisy

Smiling for Papa

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Keepin' Papa M in the Know

19 days and counting!!!!

Freshly changed into her jammies...she likes it

She liked it a lot....

Todays outfit...a jean jumper and purple floral shirt with a yellow hair bow

Her first bath at home

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lots of pictures...Stories to follow when I can catch my breath!

Daisy standing gaurd

I love my daddy pajamas

Steven and Evelyn holding hands

Daisy 'saftly' rocking the baby. Since she's still quite a puppy we had to get her a muzzle so no accidental nipping took place. She's learned really fast. Spending all day in it yesterday taught her quite quickly.

Nap time with Great Grandma
Changing to go home

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Evelyn Rose Jarvis.... Welcome!

Evelyn Rose Jarvis
Born June 22, 11:35pm at Madison Memorial Hospital
8lbs 11oz, 20 1/2 inches long