Wednesday, October 27, 2010

4 Months Already!

Evelyn had her four month appointment this morning. Everything is looking good. She's in the 80th percentile for her height and weight, so she's well proportioned...just the size of a 7-8 month baby. She loved getting to be naked for half an hour (we typically don't do that at home...learned our lesson many times) and was all smiley until the shots. I was trying to distract her and she was laughing and then the needle went in and she started sceaming like a banshee. It took a while to calm her down. Poor little girl, it was really the saddest thing ever. But the good news is at the farmers market today I got a big block of feta cheese (2inX4inX1in) for $1.40. I'm pretty excited about it.

We get to start feeding Evelyn solid foods which is also exciting. We're going to start tonight at dinner once Steven gets home. Just rice cereal for now, but it's about time. We're going through a big can of formula a week.

Last night we went to pick up some caramel for our carmel apple party and Steven was wondering just how much Evelyn weighed.....
It said she was 14 lbs, but she's actually 15 lbs and 26in long (not that the fruit scale could tell how tall she is)
We're also getting Settlers of Catan tonight so we have that to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. That's an excellent deal on the feta cheese. And you also have mine and Jason's visit to look forward to. I love Settlers of Catan.
